Monday 13 August 2012

Week 04 2D Design

3. PRACTICAL – Design Exploration
40 mins – Choose your favourite design concept from all your current works
  • •  Use any tools you wish
  • •  Put the results and a paragraph of description in your Blog
  • •  Through a combo of research and creative thinking explore the possibilities of concept experimentation, variation and evaluation
  • •  List these items clearly, draft examples and explain your thinking
o Two Experiments
o Pros & Cons
o Choosing & Refusing 

MY Background design for everything.
。Colourful life

Tools : Water Colour pencil 
Description: I'm think about some colourful thing to present a colourful life for my CDU hand bag design. I found water colour pencil is a easier much more than water colour painting to present the mix-colour. And it could also able to present a different hue when I brush the water in between 2 different colour.

   - After photoshop

   - Using in my current work

   - Research reference from Website

 R01, R02 : file:///Volumes/QUEENIE/CertIV%20Graphic%20Design/Queenie-SEM%202%202012/2&3D-Design/CDU%20Hand%20bag/Artificial%20Colors:%20The%20Amazing%20Bright%20Colors%20Wallpapers.webarchive

。Graphic Design is Fashion
Tools : Adobe Illustrator 
Description: I think the combination of black and white are always shows fashion. and I put the spelling of my name QUEENIE WU in it, it is also very fun to find it out from those letters. 



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