Monday 1 October 2012

Week 11 3D Design


Concept Feedback

Giving feedback on the effectiveness of your design process and concept communication
PART 1 – 20 mins
Students present 2D exhibition designs and explain progress in the last week
The GROUP gives verbal feedback on:
1. Appropriate storage location and file formats for professional presentation
2. Progress in the last week
PART 2 - 10 mins Blog
Each student post feedback on all other students in your blog

  • Paul's...
                     Paul has presenting his claver and organised brain on his folder. I do really like that he name the images for blog as week  priority  which is very easy to find even there's heaps of files. And also his folder looks very nice and clean.

  • Cherill's...
                     Cherill's folder are also been clean organised in each weeks, I do found this way  make the folder always looks tidy and pithy. I think Cherill's way is very easy and quickly to find out what she need everytime.

  • Queenie's... 
                     I recon  myself's folder looks a bit mess. I was try to name the folder for each different work, and than I released that would be easier for name as week priority and also it loos more clean. But as what Mark said, I need a final folder to put my final work as PDF file and name as number order to be easy to present all my final work. And the number order at the biginning is easier to go back to find out and fix it. 


    Week 11 2D Design


    Concept Feedback

    Giving feedback on the effectiveness of your design process and concept communication

    PART 1 – 20 mins

    Students present 2D exhibition designs and explain progress in the last week

    The GROUP gives verbal feedback on:

    1. Appropriate storage location and file formats for professional presentation

    2. Progress in the last week

    PART 2 - 10 mins Blog

    Each student post feedback on all other students in your blog

    • Paul's...
                         Paul has presenting his claver and organised brain on his folder. I do really like that he name the images for blog as week  priority  which is very easy to find even there's heaps of files. And also his folder looks very nice and clean.

    • Cherill's...
                         Cherill's folder are also been clean organised in each weeks, I do found this way  make the folder always looks tidy and pithy. I think Cherill's way is very easy and quickly to find out what she need everytime.

    • Queenie's... 
                         I recon  myself's folder looks a bit mess. I was try to name the folder for each different work, and than I released that would be easier for name as week priority and also it loos more clean. But as what Mark said, I need a final folder to put my final work as PDF file and name as number order to be easy to present all my final work. And the number order at the biginning is easier to go back to find out and fix it. 


    = Research Information =

    A example of File Backup Software

    This is a example of a file backup software. There are many free software like this around and everywhere. I think, what ever using any useful and good software, the main concept is we all need to learn how to get our brain organise. If we do have a organise brain, every file will be looking good even without using software.

    Monday 24 September 2012

    Week 10 3D Design


    Concept Evaluation

    Reflecting on the effectiveness of your design process and concept communication
    PART 1 – 20 mins
    The GROUP verbally evaluates each member’s 3D Exhibition work
    Scribe writes a summary paragraph on the 2 points below fro each member
    1. Effectiveness of design process
    2. Effectiveness of concept communication

    • Queenie's 3D - Kid's story book. 

    1. Effectiveness of design process
    We did had a brief ideas and drawing on the sketch book first. Than we did the layout of the whole story. This is a collrabration task with me and Denise, so i do the design drawing and than Denise make the it out by illustrator with her good illustration skill.

    2. Effectiveness of concept communication
    The design concept is Teddy bear travelling around Darwin. Because this is for kids, so we use Teddy bear as main character, and travelling around is sort of introduce where we live.

    • Cherill and Paul's Design - Bike Helmet Cover

    1. Effectiveness of design process
    Cherill's group have a great and organise design process. They did idea development, communication and brainstorm ideas, research material , meet the problem and problem solving...ect. I think they are have a great process and great team work, therefore they have a awesome result. 

    2. Effectiveness of concept communication
    The communication of Cherill's group on design concept are also great. They are trying to have different style for ladies kids and man. Like Cherill's use a bit Pop art style in presenting helmet cover style for kid's and woman which is a kind of style that been very popular in 50's.

    -Trash the Bike Helmet; Try an Airbag for Your Head Instead 

    This is what Mark talk ing about on the class. I think this is a very interesting design, and actually before the airbag come out, it looks just a very fashion association . I feel very interesting in this product.

    [ No matter how stylish, bicycle helmets have the nasty habit of mussing up hair while making you look like a dork. That often keeps cyclists from wearing helmets altogether--a habit that prompted Swedish designers Anna Haupt and Terese Alstin to design Hövding ("Chieftain"), a bike helmet that doesn't look much like a helmet at all. ]

    • Jacob's Design

    1. Effectiveness of design process
    Jacob also had a very good design process. Since he got the ideas and decide the character that he way to make, and than he research and finding the material that he got to use. The result are great!

    2. Effectiveness of concept communication
    Jacob choose a very popular character in the world now for his design which is very successful. And also the angry bird is a game about kicking and shooting, so this is a very good ideas.

    Week 10 2D Design


    Concept Evaluation

    Reflecting on the effectiveness of your design process and concept communication
    PART 1 – 20 mins
    The GROUP verbally evaluates each member’s 2D Exhibition work
    Scribe writes a summary paragraph on the 2 points below for each member
    1. Effectiveness of design process
    2. Effectiveness of concept communication

    • Jacob's Design

                     1. Effectiveness of design process
                         Jacob's process: Sketch drawing on his sketch book ->         
                             Illustrator to present his picture->
                             Indesign to complete as comic book.
                             As a comic book making, I think this is a stander and ideally design process. Hand sketch the image from brain is quicker and easiest way to put down the brief. Illustration is for make a good image, so the colour and contour and the information are all very clearer.
                       2. Effectiveness of concept communication
                         I was born and grow up at asian country, not normally understand western joke, but Jacob's comic picture is very clearer for me to understand straight away and cute. i think it's gonna be very popular if publish.  

    • Cherill's Design

           1. Effectiveness of design process
               Cherill had a great and very organised process seems this is a big work to get to finish.The web page mark up by illustrator is very clearer to telling hoe she is going to design for the website and also it is a very claver idea to put down the colour code.
           2. Effectiveness of concept communication
              Cherill trying build up a image for ladies so she choose warm and classic colour to present it. I think her design is kind of like pop art, and pop art is a very popular art work during 50-60 centres. I think she got the right visual design. 
    • June's Design

    1. Effectiveness of design process
        June made some brief drawing on her sketch book before do the illustrator.This is also what I do with my process and I think this is the standar process.

    2. Effectiveness of concept communication
           I like the idea of crack eggs. It's very active.

    = Research Information = 

    【Illustrator CS5】A free software to make a cartoon characte  from your photo photo.

    As this technology age, lot's of free or non-free software coming out in making your work easy. A lot of people having those kind of software in creating for fun. Therefore, I think in the future world, everybody could be a graphic designer as long as you have popular design concept and enjoy in creating. 

    Week 09 3D Design


    • Concept Evaluation

    PRODUCING A RANGE - 25 mins

    1. Present and discuss your 3D exhibition piece(s) with the class (5 mins each)

        My Brownie story book...

    2. How many of you are collaborating with other courses?
        I collaborating this 3D exhibition with the Exhibition unit only. 

    • Design Realis
              My drawing....

                         Turning the drawing to digital.....

                       The story is about teddy bear Brownie going around Darwin, so we try to draw Brownie going to Wave pool, jumping crocodile tour, butterfly farm, fish feeding ...etc. We trying to have  special view with our own style of the teddy bears and animals, because there's heaps of ted bear story book around. Every piece of story coming out with pictures. 

    = Research Information =

    Effective using PHOTOSHOP CS5 - Sketch Diary

    20101027 PHOTOSHOP CS5

    Amazing work in using Photoshop to sketch diary. This video is post by a very popular blog sketch artist in taiwan name 
    四小折 (You might easier to google by copy and paste the chinese name). The cute character that he made with the funny word and conversation makes people all enjoy in viewing his blog. This is kind of my goal, I try to make my own character and able sketch my diary as the picture from my brain. Than 50 years later I can enjoy to read and review my life by images not a lot of letters. :p
    Another amazing thing is, he took just no more than 1 hour to finish this. How amazing!!

    20120808 PHOTOSHOP CS6


    Week 09 2D Design


    Concept Evaluation

    PRODUCING A RANGE - 15 mins
    Sketch in your Visual Diary or Illustrator
    1. Clear rendition of 3 invitation / flyer layouts using YOUR exhibition logo & text
    2. The design must have space for sponsor logos
    3. CDU logo must be on the bottom right – check branding rules
    BLOG - 15 mins
    Each student post the group results in your blog with images and descriptive text

    I was absent in this week, so I would like to blog my different logo design of my own business that I was tried and worked on as below.

    • My brief concept...

          - Design concept: We had practiced to design on the logo of our own business on the week 06. I named my business as " Queenie Workshop" and the concept is "Crown".
    I had play with the letter "Q" and "W", trying to figure out with position will looks better with "Q " and "W". And also try to crown to represent Queen as a logo visual element. 

    • My design of those concept...




    • Final...

    I choose the 4th one as my business logo, because I think I like it the most. I was try to make my logo looks more professional and fashion, but I found the cartoon one that I love the most with no reason.

    = Research Information =
    Amazing crown design

     A great crown design process video. And I'm also surprised that his is using Photoshop instead of Illustrator. The way he made the shadow is great! Even this is a super high level work that I never ever reach, but it gave me ideas to start with. 

    Sunday 16 September 2012

    Week 08 3D Design

    • Concept Realisation
    My materials are: HB pencils, colour pencils, watercolour pencil, A3 and B5 sketch book and drawing papers.

    The tool that we had used are my teddy bears that I had use for drawing to get a ideas for place him some different positions, scanner, camera and computer software such as Adobe Illustrator.

    The equipment that we had use are computer, scanner and camera.

    - Discuss your choice of the above as a group – give reasons
    We need to use pencils and sketch book to sketch and collect our ideas of the story book. It is easier to brief and present the ideas image in our brain. Scanner and camera are to be use by sending our had drawing into digital on the Illustrator. And also we use computer to do research about the stories and images for our characters.

    = PRACTICAL = 
    • Concept Realisation
    - Hand drawing

    1. - Illustration technique